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Writer's pictureThe Closet Gamer

#RPGaDAY - Day 13

Every year, the hashtag #RPGaDAY makes its way around the social medias, and gamers try their damnedest to answer each question every day. Most fail. I probably will too. BUT. I will try!

Today's question: Describe a game experience that changed how you play

Earlier this year at a local gaming convention called Who's Yer Con, I had the chance to play a game I had Kickstarted called Dreamchaser by Imagining Games. I posted the videos of the following short campaign I played in an earlier post, but the experience I want to talk about today is the game I played at the Con.

The game was run by the creator himself, Pete Petrusha. It was my first real experience playing what I would call a 'story game'. By that I mean the narrative is firmly in the grasps of the players, and the mechanics are there to back it up. It was truly an eye opening experience.

I had always embraced the notion of giving players some creative license to do as they please, but to play a game that fully committed to that idea was exhilarating. The story we told was fluid and interesting, if not a bit sick and twisted. Everything felt organic and true to what we as the players wanted out of the session. By the end of the game I was sold on the concept. It is to this day, one of my all time greatest role playing experiences.

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